Last night the FBI raided President Donald Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago. No former president in the history of the United States has been subjected to this type of third world gestapo behavior. Did you know that the warrant was signed by Federal Magistrate Judge, Bruce Reinhart? Who is he? Well, it turns out he was a donor to Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns. Reinhart left his job as a prosecutor with the DOJ on New Year’s Day in 2008. The very next day he was representing former employees of Jeffrey Epstein.You probably won’t hear that from the mockingbird media.
As I have written previously, the FBI employs over 35,000 people. When you couple that fact with the recent news that the Democrats want to add 87,000 IRS agents, is it any wonder why America is devolving into a third world police state dictatorship?
The Deep State elites that rule America from the shadows lashed out in the open last night against a man that they fear because he vowed to drain the swamp. The date of the raid is suspect for another reason, as it is the anniversary of Richard Nixon’s announcement that he would resign the presidency in 1974. Is this mere coincidence? More than likely the timing was a message to President Trump and anyone who challenges the power of the Deep State.
The Deep State sinister forces are waging a war against the American people and they are weaponizing the federal bureaucracy to silence their enemies. President John Kennedy vowed to smash the CIA into pieces and was assassinated. President Richard Nixon expressed his intention to restructure the executive branch in his second term to reassert executive power and he was victimized by a deep state coup that chased him from office before he could be impeached and prosecuted. President Donald Trump pledged to drain the swamp and was hounded for four years by the entrenched uni-party bureaucrats. We all know what happened on November 3, 2020. We saw that the reach of the Deep State includes the capability to manufacture the outcome of elections in our country.
Assassinations, coup’s, and rigged elections are the stuff of banana republics. If America is to survive it is time for all of us to stand up and defend our Constitution. It is critical that we the people send a clear message this November with our vote and our voice. We must send any politician that is not upholding his oath back to where they came from. It is also critical that we demand that Congress deconstruct the deep state bureaucracy. The best place to start is with the weaponized Department of Justice. We must also demand an Article V Convention of States so that we can put the federal government back within its constitutional boundaries.